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Sonst. PersonenRickheit, Gert (Hrsg.); Strohner, Hans (Hrsg.)
TitelHandbook of communication competence.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Handbuch der Kommunikationskompetenz.
QuelleBerlin: de Gruyter (2010), XX, 538 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheHandbooks of applied linguistics. 1
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterKognition; Nonverbale Kommunikation; Zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation; Medienkompetenz; Hören; Kommunikative Kompetenz; Sprache; Spracherwerb; Sprechen; Lesen; Schreiben; Training; Sprachbehinderung
Abstract"In our everyday life, communicative processes are relevant in almost all situations. It is important to know when you must say something which is adequate in the situation or when it is better to say nothing. Communicative competence is fundamental for a successful life in our society as it is of great importance for all areas of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that communicative competence is the subject of many theoretical and empirical approaches and, in consequence, research on this topic is diverse. We focus our contributions on linguistic aspects of communication. In the centre of interest are cognitive approaches to different forms of communicative competence, language acquisition and language disorders." (author's abstract). Contents: Karlfried Knapp, Gerd Antos: Introduction to the handbook series (VII-XVII); Introduction (1-11); I. Foundations: Gert Rickheit, Hans Strohner, Constanze Vorwerg: The concept of communicative competence (15-62); II. Acquisition: Ralph-Axel Müller, Erica Palmer: Language and neurophysiological development (65-102); Katharina J. Rohlfing: Cognitive foundations (103-124); Holly L. Storkel: First utterances (125-147); Clair Pond, Michael Siegal: Discourse acquisition (149-168); Pekka Niemi: Literacy acquisition and its precursors (169-186); Vivian Gramley: Sign language acquisition (187-204); III. Adult competence: Thomas Holtgraves: Speaking and listening (207-224); Elke Prestin: Writing and reading (225-255); Nancy M. Puccinelli: Nonverbal communicative competence (257-275); Daniel Perrin, Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow: Media competence (277-312); IV. Competence training: Annette Lepschy: Communication training (315-341); Mike Allen, Nancy Burrell, and John Bourhis: Coping with the needs of presentation (343-358); Eva-Maria Jakobs, Daniel Perrin: Training of writing and reading (359-393); V. Language therapy: Virgina W. Berninger, William Nagy, Todd Richards, Wendy Raskind: Developmental dyslexia: A developmental neurolinguistic approach (397-440); Martina Hielscher-Fastabend: Language disorders (441-497); Ashley Craig: The nature and treatment of stuttering (499-530).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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