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Sonst. PersonenEilks, Ingo (Hrsg.); Ralle, Bernd (Hrsg.)
TitelContemporary science education.
Implications from science education research about orientations, strategies and assessment; a collection of invited papers inspired by the 20th symposium on chemical and science education held at the University of Bremen, 27-29 May 2010.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Zeitgemäße naturwissenschaftliche Ausbildung. Implikationen für die Ausbildungsforschung in den Naturwissenschaften über Leitlinien, Strategien und Bewertungen###eine Sammlung von eingereichten Papers zum 20th Symposium in Bremen, 27-29 Mai, 2010.
QuelleAachen: Shaker (2010), 284 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBildung; Pädagogik; Lehrerbildung; Didaktik; Curriculum; Unterricht; Biologieunterricht; Chemieunterricht; Klimawandel; Naturwissenschaften; Entwicklungsland; Hochschulbildung; Studium; Hochschule; Internationaler Vergleich; Paradigmenwechsel; Asien; Australien; Deutschland; Europa; Naher Osten; Pazifischer Raum; Türkei
AbstractContents: Ingo Eilks, Bernd Ralle: Contemporary Science Education - Implications from Science Education Research about Orientations, Strategies and Assessment (1-3); Avi Hofstein, Ingo Eilks, Rodger Bybee: Societal Issues and Their Importance for Contemporary Science Education (5-22); Claus Bolte: Contemporary Scientific Literacy and the (Ir-) Relevance of Science Education (23-34); Franz Rauch: What Do Regulative Ideas in Education for Sustainable Development and Scientific Literacy as Myth have in Common? (35-45); Richard K. Coll: Contemporary Issues in Scientific Literacy: The Key Challenge for Science Education in the New Millennium (47-56); Peter E. Childs, Sarah Hayes, Jemma Lynch & Maria Sheehan: Developing Scientific Literacy: TY Science and Science Scrapbooks (57-68); Jack Holbrook, Miia Rannikmäe: Contextualisation, De-contextualisation, Re-contextualisation - A Science Teaching Approach to Enhance Meaningful Learning for Scientific Literacy (69-82); Jan Alexis Nielsen: Functional Roles of Science in Socio-scientific Discussions (83-95); Vanessa Kind: Perspectives from Research on Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Consequences for Changes in Science Teacher Education (97-110); Pernilla Nilsson: Understanding and Assessing Science Student Teachers' Contemporary Pedagogical Content Knowledge (111-122); Rachel Mamlok-Naaman, Avi Hofstein, Ron Blonder: Providing Chemistry Teachers with Contemporary Scientific Activities: A Three-stage Model (123-134); Simone Abels, Annelie Wellensiek: The Democratic Capacity of Science Education Or: Is Inclusive Science Education the Contemporary Science Education? (135-146); John Loughran, Kathy Smith, Amanda Berry: Researching the Development of Science Teachers' Contemporary Understandings of Scientific Literacy (147-156); Julia Michaelis, Dieter Schmidt, Marie-Ann Mowka: How can a Multiplication In-service Training System Facilitate the Implementation Process of Standard-based Teaching? (157-168); John K. Gilbert: The Contribution of the Informal Sector to School Chemistry Education (169-178); Dietmar Höttecke, Corinna Hößle, Ingo Eilks, Jürgen Menthe, Maria Mrochen, Helen Oelgeklaus, Timo Feierabend: On Judgment and Decision-making about Socio-scientific Issues: A Cross-faculty Approach for Learning about Climate Change (179-191); Mehmet Fatih Tasar: Exemplifying the Tentativeness of Scientific Knowledge in the History of Modern Physics and Utilizing Vignettes in Assessing Understandings (193-206); Susan Rodrigues: ICT in Chemistry Education: Clarification or Clouding (207-218); Gjalt T. Prins, Astrid M. W. Bulte, Albert Pilot: Teaching and Learning of Modelling in Chemistry Education: Authentic Practices as Context for Learning (219-230); Boris Jokic: Pupils' Attitudes towards Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Croatian Elementary Education: A Story of Differences (231-235); Marika Kapanadze, Simon Janashia, Ingo Eilks: From Science Education in the Soviet Time, via National Reform Initiatives, towards an International Network to Support Inquiry-based Science Education - The Case of Georgia and the Project SALiS (237-242); Ani Epitropova: Active Teaching Strategies in Science Education - An E-module for In-service Teacher Training (243-246); Miia Rannikmäe, Anne Laius, Jack Holbrook: Improving the Learning Environment: Students' Creative Thinking and Reasoning Skills through PARSEL Teaching (247-251); Gabriel Gorghiu, Laura Monica Gorghiu: Considerations Related to the Use of Virtual Experiments in Science Lessons - An Experience Learnt in the VccSSe Project (253-258); Laura Monica Gorghiu, Gabriel Gorghiu: ICT Tools and their Effectiveness in Science Lessons - The FISTE Project Experience (259-266); Ingo Eilks, John K. Gilbert, Avi Hofstein, Silvija Markic, John Oversby, Albert Pilot, Bernd Ralle: Reflections on Orientations, Strategies and Assessment for Contemporary Science Education (267-275).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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