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Autor/inAgergaard, Sine
TitelWhen globalization and migration meet national and local talent development.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Wenn Globalisierung und Migration auf nationale und lokale Talententwicklung trifft.
QuelleAus: Wagner, Ulrik (Hrsg.); Storm, Rasmus K. (Hrsg.); Nielsen, Klaus (Hrsg.): When sport meets business. Capabilities, challenges, critiques. Los Angeles (Cal.): Sage Publ. (2017) S. 30-42
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN1-4739-4804-5; 978-1-4739-4804-4; 978-1-4739-4805-1
SchlagwörterFallstudie; Transfer; Förderung; Schulbildung; Begabung; Migration; Frauensport; Fußball; Handball; Leistungssport; Sport; Sportsoziologie; Sportverband; Sportverein; Globalisierung; Konkurrenz; Management; Ausbildung; Arbeitsmarkt; Ausbildungsziel; Beruf; Karriere; Professionalisierung; Entwicklung; Konzeption; Strategie; Ausländer; Spieler; Sportler; Europa; Skandinavien
AbstractThis chapter aims to direct the attention of sport students and researchers to the ways globalization processes and more particularly sport labour migration create new challenges and options for local and national sport governing bodies. Particular focus will be on the ways in which sports labour migration affects domestic talent development in national federations and local clubs. Case studies will be used to describe and discuss two questions: What are the challenges and options for national and local talent development in periods with considerable immigration of athletes from abroad? How is the capability of specific European approaches to developing talented athletes as 'whole persons' to also cover migrating athletes? The chapter will end with a discussion of the possible moral and political implications of cases in which local and national sport policies do not appear to be synchronised with globalisation and more particularly with migration processes. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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