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Autor/inn/enMoradi, Nematulla; Pourheidari, Farzad; Hamdi, Ramazan
TitelRelation of locus of control and creativity with learning styles.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 45, S. 79-88
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterVergleich; Kreativität; Verhalten; Lernen; Lernkultur; Lernmethode; Lernort; Geschlecht; Kontrolle; Iran
AbstractThe current paper aimed to investigate the relation between the locus of control and creativity with learning styles among the third grade high school students in the city of Kamyaran. The universe under study in this research consisted of all third grade high school students of the city of Kamyaran. The statistical population included 300 third grade students who were chosen by the cluster sampling method. Tools for collecting data involved the Abedi's creativity questionnaire (1993), Rotter's internal and external locus of control scale (1996) and the Kolb's learning styles questionnaire (1971). To analyze the data, the independent groups t test, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA), the simple Pearson correlation and the multivariate variance analysis (MANOVA) were sued. Results indicated that there was a difference between students and the internal and external locus of control in terms of various learning styles (P<0/03), and also there was a difference between the students with the various learning styles and the creativity level (P<0/01). Findings also suggested that there was a significant difference between the internal and external locus of control with the creativity and gender, and also there was not a significant difference between learning styles and gender.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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