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Autor/inOpara, Jacinta A.
TitelDynamics of teaching science education in a changing environment.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 53, S. 52-59
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterErziehung; Bildungspolitik; Naturwissenschaften; Entwicklungsland; Wissenschaft; Dynamik; Entwicklung; Afrika; Nigeria
AbstractDuring the past few decades, resources have been allocated in many parts of the world for developing curricula in school science, which were directed to the need for more scientists that can promote national development. In the light of this, many developing country has emphasized the education of its citizens in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM). This mode was reflected in the Nigerian National Policy on Education when it recommended an enrolment ratio of 60:40 in favour of STM and related courses in higher institution of learning (Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004). This guideline became necessary in order to boost our manpower development and researches in these professions. The role of STM in the development of a nation cannot be over emphasized as it is very important in solving a country's problem.STM is the base for the overall development of a nation, the instrument for the orderly and ethical behaviour of it citizens.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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