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Autor/inn/enMahmoudfakhe, Hemn; Rahmani, Aref; Nasrollahzade, Soraya
TitelComparison of parenting styles and mental health among students.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 62, S. 147-156
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAntiautoritäre Erziehung; Autoritäre Erziehung; Erziehungsstil; Psychische Gesundheit; Grundschule; Schüler; Geschlecht; Toleranz; Iran
AbstractThe aim of the present research was to compare parenting styles and mental health among students. The statistical population of the paper included all the female and male third grade high school students in the city of Boukan. The sample was selected through simple random style in access which included 340 people of both sexes. The tools used in this research comprises two: Baumrind parenting style and Goldberg's general health questionnaires. Findings revealed that this research is of a causal-comparative nature and it was established that there was a difference between mental health of the two sexes; there was also a difference between the two sexes.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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