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Autor/inAhmadi Fatalaki, Javad
TitelTeacher-based language assessment.
QuelleIn: International letters of social and humanistic sciences, (2015) 60, S. 77-82
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterKompetenz; Lehrer; Lernen; Pragmatik (Ling); Sprache; Alternative; Bewertung
AbstractDavidson's (2004) recommendations regarding qualifying teacher-based assessment have been considered as the basis for any discussion regarding the concept of teacher based-assessment because of the theoretical depth of his model. The present study, with noticing the comprehensiveness of Davidson's model, aims at presenting the background of the teacher-based assessment and its functional aspects in language testing. To this end, the study highlights the most important considerations for the development of the alternative assessment that serve the purpose of learning. Meanwhile, it focuses on the role of teacher-based assessment across different areas of language learning. For instance, the study considered pragmatic knowledge and, generally, competence as the possible areas that can be developed through teacher-based assessment. With regard to the practical sense of test development, the researcher reviewed several roles that have been noted as the steps and aspects that should be covered in order to maximize the learning process through assessment.
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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