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Autor/inn/enSontag, Christine; Stöger, Heidrun
TitelCan highly intelligent and high-achieving students benefit from training in self-regulated learning in a regular classroom context?
QuelleIn: Learning and individual differences, (2015) 41, S. 43-53Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPretest; Hochbegabung; Intelligenz (Psy); Schuljahr 04; Hoch begabter Schüler; Begabtenförderung; Training; Overachiever
Abstract[The authors] examined if highly intelligent and high-achieving students benefit from training in self-regulated learning conducted in regular classrooms as much as their peers of average intelligence and with average scholastic achievement. Fourth-graders participating in a training program of self-regulated learning (SRL, n = 123) were compared with fourth-graders receiving regular classroom instruction (REG, n = 199) in a pretest, posttest, follow-up design. Students in the SRL group practiced self-regulated learning while working on identifying main ideas in expository texts. The training was effective for highly intelligent and high-achieving students as well as for their peers of average intelligence and with average scholastic achievement. Highly intelligent students benefited in their preference for self-regulated learning only in the long run; for high achievers, [the authors] found immediate and long-term effects. Both highly intelligent students and high achievers identified more main ideas correctly in the course of the training. [They] recommend this program for use by classroom teachers in heterogeneous classrooms. (Verlag).
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