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Autor/inAktas, Özgür
TitelOrtaögretim Tarih Ders Kitaplarinda Yer Alan Baris ve Antlasmalar Üzerine Bir Degerlendirme.
Paralleltitel: A study into peaces and treaties in the history course books of secondary education.
QuelleIn: TUHED : Turkish history education journal, 2 (2013) 2, S. 78-107
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Sprachetürkisch; englische Zusammenfassung
Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterGeschichtsunterricht; Krieg; Schulbuch; Türkei; Friedensvertrag; Sekundarbereich; Schulbuch; Frieden; Krieg; Geschichtsunterricht; Friedensvertrag; Online-Publikation; Türkei
AbstractThe purpose of the current study was to investigate how the content of the treaties and peace subjects in the history course books of secondary education was arranged. The method of the research based on document analysis. In this study, the styles of giving the treaties told in the course books were determined. The treaties were classified in two groups and analysed. First one was the treaties directly told and the second one was those given in a part or a text. However, treaties are the absolute knowledge written in a style to be taught as shown in history course books. Such activities as discussion, reasoning, using first-hand knowledge, empathizing are used very rarely. In addition, first-hand sources are not used while teaching treaties. It was included in the program onwards in the course book of the Modern Turkish and World History and taught at high schools. In particular, wars and treaties were studied intensively in this book. It is thought that giving more place for the treaties in history course books in a detailed way would not be an easy and useful way. Instead, developing activity books and preparing electronic resources would be some of the best ways to teach treaties to students.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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