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Autor/inn/enIJzerman, Hans; Karremans, Johan C.; Thomsen, Lotte; Schubert, Thomas W.
TitelCaring for sharing. How attachment styles modulate communal cues of physical warmth.
QuelleIn: Social psychology, 44 (2013) 2, S. 160-166Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1864-9335; 2151-2590
SchlagwörterPeer-Beziehungen; Bindungsverhalten; Freundschaft; Soziale Kognition; Zwischenmenschliche Beziehung; Soziale Wahrnehmung; Temperatur; Wirkung
AbstractDoes physical warmth lead to caring and sharing? Research suggests that it does; physically warm versus cold conditions induce prosocial behaviors and cognitions. Importantly, previous research has not traced the developmental origins of the association between physical warmth and affection. The association between physical warmth and sharing may be captured in specific cognitive models of close social relations, often referred to as attachment styles. In line with this notion, and using a dictator game set-up, the current study demonstrates that children who relate to their friends with a secure attachment style are more generous toward their peers in warm than in cold conditions. This effect was absent for children who relate to friends with an insecure attachment style. Notably, however, these children not just always shared less: They allocated more stickers to a friend than to a stranger. These findings provide an important first step to understand how fundamental embodied relations develop early in life. We discuss broader implications for grounded cognition and person perception. (ZPID).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Psychologie, Trier
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