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Autor/inn/enBonnet, Andreas; Dalton-Puffer, Christiane
TitelGreat expectations?
Competence and standard related questions concerning CLIL moving into the mainstream.
QuelleAus: Breidbach, Stephan (Hrsg.); Viebrock, Britta (Hrsg.): Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in Europe. Research perspectives on policy and practice. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang (2013) S. 269-284Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
SchlagwörterBildungserfolg; Erwartung; Bildungspolitik; Schulsystem; Fachkompetenz; Bildungsprogramm; Sprachkompetenz; Bilingualer Unterricht; Mehrsprachigkeit; Umsetzung; Europa
AbstractCLIL has become an integral part of school systems across Europe and is consequentially exposed to the normative power of "the mainstream". It is therefore important to reflect on the great expectations attached to CLIL, especially the claims regarding its potential to foster competence acquisition not only in the linguistic domain but also with respect to higher order thinking or reflective competences. Firstly, the paper reconstructs current claims. Secondly, it reports on empirical findings that shed light on whether CLIL programmes answer these claims. Third, it discusses whether existing models of subject matter competence in three different domains comprise the dimensions necessary for detecting CLIL specific effects, if there are any. The paper concludes that only research in the domain of language competence has produced robust results. Therefore, many more studies into subject related competences are needed, preferably using an integrative approach. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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