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Sonst. PersonenSmeyers, Paul (Hrsg.); Depaepe, Marc (Hrsg.)
TitelEducational research.
The attraction of psychology.
QuelleDordrecht u.a.: Springer (2013), VIII, 184 S.
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ReiheEducational research. 6
BeigabenLiteratur- und URL-Angaben
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN94-007-5037-4; 978-94-007-5037-1
SchlagwörterBildungstheorie; Phänomenologie; Bildungsforschung; Methodologie; Aufmerksamkeit; Emotion; Entwicklungspsychologie; Psychologie; Pädagogische Psychologie; Intelligenzmessung; Soziale Beziehung; Kind; Lehrerausbildung; Lernen; Soziales Verhalten; Hirnforschung; Neurowissenschaften; Rassismus; Professionalisierung; Wissenschaftsverständnis; Geisteswissenschaften; Neuropsychologie; Wissenschaftsdisziplin; Habitus
AbstractThe [...] contributions to this volume challenge psychology's hegemony as an interpretive paradigm in a range of social contexts such as education and child development. They start from the core observation that modern psychology has successfully penetrated numerous domains of society in its quest to develop a properly scientific methodology for analyzing the human mind and behaviour. For example, educational psychology continues to hold a central position in the curricula of trainee teachers in the US, while the language of developmental psychology holds primal sway over our understanding of childrearing and the parent-child relationship. Questioning the default position of modern psychology as a way of conceptualizing human relations, this collection of papers reexamines key assumptions that include psychology's self-image as a "scientific" discipline. Authors also argue that the dogma of neuropsychology in education has demoted concepts such as "emotion", "feeling" and "relationship", so that they are now "blind spots" in educational theory. Other chapters offer a cautionary analysis of how misshapen notions of psychology can legitimize eugenics (as in Nazi Germany) and poison racial attitudes. Above all, has psychology, with its focus on individual merit, been complicit in hiding the impacts of power and privilege in education? This [...] volume adopts a broader definition of education and childrearing that admits the essential contribution of the humanities to the proper study of mankind. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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