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Autor/inn/enKlebl, Michael; Krämer, Bernd J.; Zobel, Annett; Hupfer, Matthias; Lukaschik, Christian
TitelDistributed repositories for educational content.
Part 2: Technology.
QuelleIn: e-learning and education, (2011) 7
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBildungsinhalt; Mediennutzung; Medienpädagogik; Datenbank; Internetportal; Technologie; Vernetzung; Internet
AbstractIn Part 1 of this article [the authors] discussed the need for information quality and the systematic management of learning materials and learning arrangements. Digital repositories, often called Learning Object Repositories (LOR), were introduced as a promising answer to this challenge. [They] also derived technological and pedagogical requirements for LORs from a concretization of information quality criteria for e-learning technology. This second part presents technical solutions that particularly address the demands of open education movements, which aspire to a global reuse and sharing culture. From this viewpoint, [the authors] develop core requirements for scalable network architectures for educational content management. [They] then present edu-sharing, an advanced example of a network of homogeneous repositories for learning resources, and discuss related technology. [The authors] conclude with an outlook in terms of emerging developments towards open and networked system architectures in e-learning. (Orig.).
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