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Autor/inn/enDijk, Teun A. van; Atienza, Encarna
TitelKnowledge and discourse in secondary school social science textbooks.
QuelleIn: Discourse studies, 13 (2011) 1, S. 93-118
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1461-4456; 1461-7080
SchlagwörterSekundarbereich; Wissenserwerb; Schulbuch; Diskursanalyse; Sozialkunde; Online-Publikation; Spanien
AbstractWithin the framework of an interdisciplinary project on epistemic strategies in text and talk, this article examines such strategies in a (Spanish) secondary school textbook on social science. After a summary of current insights into the theory of knowledge in philosophy, psychology and linguistics, it is shown how discourse presupposes and expresses knowledge, with special emphasis on discourse processing and learning from text and its applications in education. The specific aim of this article is to study in some detail how exactly 'new' knowledge is formulated in pedagogical discourse, and how 'old' knowledge (generic knowledge of the world, knowledge learned before, etc.) is presupposed in a lesson on migration. We thus are able to describe the categories of, and the functional relations between, old and new knowledge, as discursive manifestations of underlying cognitive strategies of teaching and learning. It was also observed that in textbooks what is purported to be presented as knowledge often has an ideological basis.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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