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Autor/inEdwards, Ann R.
TitelRepresenting context in video records of practice for urban mathematics teacher education.
QuelleIn: ZDM : mathematics education, 43 (2011) 1, S. 7-16
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1863-9690; 1863-9704
SchlagwörterWissen; Bildungsforschung; Pädagogische Forschung; Lehrer; Lehrerausbildung; Lehrerbildung; Lehren; Video; Stadtteilbezogenes Lernen; Kontext; Mathematikunterricht; Sozialpolitik; Praxis
AbstractMathematics education research has not sufficiently theorized about mathematics teacher knowledge and practice, teacher learning, and teacher education in ways that are reflective of the specificities of the sociopolitical contexts of schooling. In the USA, this is particularly important for urban mathematics education. This paper examines the affordances and challenges of representing context in video records of practice, particularly in the urban context, for use in the preparation of mathematics teachers for urban settings. The discussion, grounded in current research and theory relevant to representations of teaching, urban education, and mathematics teacher education, takes up three key issues: how is a focus on the urban context relevant to the design of video records of practice for mathematics teacher education? How can video records support prospective teachers' understandings of the sociopolitical contexts of mathematics teaching? How does a focus on the urban context impact the meaning teachers make of video records?
Erfasst vonFIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur
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