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Autor/inBücking, Sebastian
TitelGerman Nominal Compounds as Underspecifiesd Names for Kinds.
QuelleIn: Linguistische Berichte. Sonderheft, (2010) 17, S. 253-281Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenTabellen 1; Anmerkungen
Spracheenglisch; deutsche Zitate
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterDeutsch; Kompositum; Nomen; Onomastik; Verb; Wortbildung
AbstractBy considering the semantics of newly coined adjective-noun and verb-noun compounds a e.g. Blautee ('blueTeangeolas') and Streichelmann ('pet_man') in German, the article provides evidence for three traits of lexical structure: (i) the relation between the constituent parts of compounds is underspecified; (ii) compounds exhibit a specific naming function; (iii) compounds support kind readings. The argument builds upon a modification template according to which the properties combined in adjective-noun and verb-noun compounds are not subject to theta-role identification, but integrally related to each other by a free variable that must be instantiated at the conceptual level. It is shown how such a combiantion of flexibility and integrity accounts for distributional differences between phrasal and lexical structures and the sensitivity of compound interpretation to the context and conceptual knowledge. Furthermore, it is argued that the integrity relation is crucial for the affinity of compounds to a naming function and kind readings. The notion of naming is backed up by cognitive approaches to categorization. The affinity to kinds is considerably refined: the formal prerequisites of kind reference are bound to the functional domain and thus independent of the contrast between lexical versus phrasal structure. Based on tests for direct reference to kinds and a pilot rating study, it is shown, however, that lexical units make the accommodation of unknown kinds easier and their phrasal counterparts do. (Verlag, adapt.).
Erfasst vonInformationszentrum für Fremdsprachenforschung, Marburg
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