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Sonst. PersonenSclafani, Susan (Hrsg.)
TitelEvaluating and rewarding the quality of teachers.
International practices.
QuelleParis: OECD (2009), 242 S.
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Beigabengrafische Darstellungen
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN92-64-06198-3; 978-92-64-06198-9
SchlagwörterBelohnung; Evaluation; Leistungssteigerung; Arbeitsbedingungen; Besoldung; Bildungsökonomie; Bildungspolitik; Lehrer; Lehrerfortbildung; Qualität; Schüler; Schule; Schulleitung; Unterricht; Evaluation; Lehrerkollegium; Bildungspolitik; Ausbilder; Leistungsbeurteilung; Belohnung; Leistungsmessung; Leistungssteigerung; Schulorganisation; Fachwissen; Besoldung; Bildungsökonomie; Schule; Schulleitung; Schulorganisation; Lehrer; Lehrerausbildung; Lehrerfortbildung; Lehrerkollegium; Schüler; Fachkompetenz; Fachwissen; Leistungsbeurteilung; Schülerleistung; Bildungsprogramm; Unterricht; Arbeitsbedingungen; Bildungsindikator; Leistungsmessung; Materieller Anreiz; Qualität; Qualitätsentwicklung; Ausbilder; OECD-Staaten
AbstractAn educational system can only be as good as its teachers. This book identifies good practices in the design and implementation of evaluation and teacher incentive systems from various perspectives through formulation, stakeholder negotiation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up. It guides the reader through the challenges and lessons learned from different educational environments, drawing on experiences from 24 countries (including India, Mexico, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States). The book serves as general reference for policy makers and educational authorities charged with designing, implementing and reforming teacher evaluation and incentive policies. It provides answers to the following questions: (1) What aspects of performance in education should be rewarded and how should they be measured in evaluation systems?; (2) Who should be rewarded? Individual teachers, groups of teachers or schools?; (3) What mechanisms have effectively been used to reward teachers?; (4) How should such policies be developed and implemented to ensure stakeholder engagement and commitment? (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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