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Sonst. PersonenKersting, Norbert (Hrsg.); Cronqvist, Lasse (Hrsg.); Berg-Schlosser, Dirk (gefeierte Person)
TitelDemocratization and political culture in comparative perspective.
Festschrift for Dirk Berg-Schlosser.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Demokratisierung und politische Kultur in vergleichender Perspektive. Festschrift für Dirk Berg-Schlosser.
QuelleWiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften (2005), 241 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Beigabengrafische Darstellungen 2; Tabellen 10
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStatusinkonsistenz; Demokratie; Demokratisierung; Direkte Demokratie; Entwicklungsland; Legitimität; Politische Kultur; Revolution; Transformation; Festschrift; Europäische Union; Bürgertum; Andenraum; Chile; Europa; Lateinamerika; Ostmitteleuropa; Südamerika
Abstract"The analysis of benchmarks and best practices is becoming more relevant. Political cultural aspects and the facets of democratization are central fields in Comparative Political Science. The well known political scientists Juan Linz, Arend Lijphart, Charles Ragin and other describe the state of the art and new methodological approaches in the discipline." (author's abstract). Content: Norbert Kersting and Lasse Crongvist: Comparative Studies: Problem or Solution. The Political Culture of Democratization (15-36); Arend Lijphart: Democracy in the Twenty-First Century: Can We Be Optimistic? (37-56); Juan J. Linz: Legitimacy of Democracy (57-77); Peter H. Merkl: Stein Rokkan's Influence on one American Social Scientist and a Discipline (79-89); Charles C. Ragin: Case-Oriented Research and the Study of Social Action (91-102); Tatu Vanhanen: A Causal Analysis of Democratization (103-120); Henry Teune: Democracy, Numbers, and Theories (121-132); Mattei Dogan: Status Incongruence: An Expanding Phenomenon (133-142); Theo Schiller: 'Secondary Democracy' in the European Union and the Role of Direct Democracy (143-166); Stephen Fischer-Galati: A Changing Political Culture? East-Central Europe in the 1990s (167-176); Mark R. Thompson: "Democratizing" Theories of Revolution: Why and How Democrats Rebel (177-198); Evelyne Huber and John D. Stephens: The Bourgeoisie and Democracy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives from Europe and Latin America (199-221); Jorge Heine: Parties, Coalitions and Transitions: The Case of the PPD in Chile (223-241).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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