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Autor/inHu, Juan
TitelHedges in Chinese-English conference interpreting.
A corpus-based discourse analysis of interpreters' role deviation. 1st ed. 2022.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Nature Singapore (2022), XIX, 129 S.
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ReiheSpringerBriefs in Linguistics
BeigabenIllustrationen 19; farbige Illustrationen 9
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-19-1441-6; 978-981-19-1442-3; 978-981-19-1443-0
SchlagwörterInterkulturelle Kommunikation; Angewandte Linguistik; Soziolinguistik; Übersetzung
AbstractThis book explored interpreters' role when interpreting for Chinese government press conference and discovered the role deviation of conference interpreters in Chinese-English conference interpreting, by taking corpus-based approach to analyze hedges in interpreting discourse. So far, the discovery of role deviation for conference interpreters in this book is relevantly fresh in conceptual, empirical, and methodological aspects, against the background that conference interpreters are traditionally assumed to be invisible and passive "non-person." Arguably, this book revisited and renewed the concept of interpreters' role, offered a role theory-based theoretical framework in some potential issues in future studies, designed a novel empirical route by using hedges as the intervening points to gain insight into interpreters' role, and applied Python-a new natural language processing programming in data extraction. Thus, this book is believed to contribute some new conceptual, theoretical as well as methodological significance to the future studies on interpreters' role and performance. This book is intended to act as a useful reference for scholars, practitioners, interpreters, graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and anyone who shows interest in interpreters' role and performance, corpus-based interpreting product. Contents: Introduction -- Literature Review -- Interpreters' Role and Role Deviation as Perceived through the Use of Hedges -- Building CECIC for the Study -- Corpus-based Quantitative Analysis on Hedges and Shifting -- Qualitative Analysis on Role Deviation in Hedges Shifting -- Conclusion.
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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