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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenLee, Claire (Hrsg.); Bailey, Chris (Hrsg.); Burnett, Cathy (Hrsg.); Rowsell, Jennifer (Hrsg.)
TitelUnsettling literacies.
Directions for literacy research in precarious times. 1st ed. 2022.
QuelleSingapore: Springer Singapore (2022), XXXVIII, 204 S.
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ReiheCultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education. 15
BeigabenIllustrationen 1
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-981-16-6943-9; 978-981-16-6944-6; 978-981-16-6945-3; 978-981-16-6946-0
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Forschungsmethode; Bildungssoziologie; Schreib- und Lesefähigkeit; Alphabetisierung
AbstractThis book asks researchers what uncertainty means for literacy research, and for how literacy plays through uncertain lives. While the book is not focused only on COVID-19, it is significant that it was written in 2020-2021, when our authors' and readers' working and personal lives were thrown into disarray by stay-at-home orders. The book opens up new spaces for examining ways that literacy has come to matter in the world. Drawing on the reflections of international literacy researchers and important new voices, this book presents re-imagined methods and theoretical imperatives. These difficult times have surfaced new communicative practices and opened out spaces for exploration and activism, prompting re-examination of relationships between research, literacy and social justice. The book considers varied and consequential events to explore new ways to think and research literacy and to unsettle what we know and accept as fundamental to literacy research, opening ourselves up for change. It provides direction to the field of literacy studies as pressing global concerns are prompting literacy researchers to re-examine what and how they research in times of precarity. "This is an excellent book, nicely conceived and well-organised, and carefully crafted for maximum effect, making an important contribution to literacy studies scholarship. A 2020 visionary account of a distinctive, disruptive moment in time, and why innovative, reflexive work in literacy continues to matter. A thoroughly commendable project." - Emeritus Professor Bill Green, Charles Sturt University "Unsettling Literacies is an inspiring collection that moves and shakes the field of literacy research to consider how to mobilize the tremendous uncertainty and precarity we are experiencing and to awaken understandings of new and more equitable practices of literacy. Lee, Bailey, Burnett and Rowsell have produced a powerful and much needed volume filled with innovative perspectives on literacy that demonstrate the resiliency with which people have moved with the changing times, charging us think more boldly about our path ahead as literacy researchers." - Professor Ernest Morrell, University of Notre Dame. Contents: Part 1. Shiftings -- 1. Trajectories of Being and Becoming: Relationships across Time that Keep us Humble (Catherine Compton-Lilly) -- 2. Can a Research Space be a Third Space? Methodology and Hierarchies in Participatory Literacy Research (Sara Hawley & John Potter) -- 3. Sharing the Screen: Reconfiguring Participatory Methodologies for Digitally Mediated Literacy Research (Bethany Monea) -- 4. A Felt Presence: Affect, Emotion, and Memory as Literacy Researchers (Bronwyn T. Williams) -- Part 2. Openings -- 5. Attending to our Response-Abilities: Diff/Reading Data through Pedagogies of the Other-Wise (Amélie Lemieux, Kelly C. Johnston, & Fiona Scott) -- 6. Connected to the Soul: Autoethnography, Neurodiversity and Literacies in Times of Ongoing Change (Chris Bailey) -- 7. Pop Up Productions: Gifts Presented in Loss (Jana Boschee Ellefson & Kim Lenters) -- 8. Engaging Parents in Inquiry Curriculum Projects with Social Media: Using Metalogue to Probe the Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas in Literacy Research (Linda-Dianne Willis & Beryl Exley) -- Part 3. Disruptings -- 9. Literacies Yet-to-Come: Young Children's Emergent, Provisional and Speculative Literacies for Precarious Futures (Abigail Hackett) -- 10. Perplexities and Possibilities in Literacy Curriculum & Pedagogical Change: A Research Partnership and Experiment in Materialist Methodologies (Michelle A. Honeyford, Shelley Warkentin, & Karla Costa) -- 11. Engaging DIY Media Making to Explore Uncertain and Dystopic Conditions with 2SLGBTQ+ Youth and Allies in New Brunswick, Canada (Casey Burkholder, Funké Aladejebi & Jennifer Thompson) -- 12. Uncertain Springs of Activism: Walking with Hoggart (Julian McDougall, Pete Bennett, & John Potter).
Erfasst vonUniversitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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