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Autor/inn/enMouratoglou, Niko; Villalba-Garcia, Ernesto
TitelBridging lifelong guidance and validation of non-formal and informal learning through ICT operationalisation.
QuelleLuxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union (2022), 30 S.
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ReiheCedefop working paper. 8
Dokumenttyponline; Monographie
SchlagwörterBerufsbildung; Europäische Union; Informationstechnologie
AbstractBased on 12 national practices, the paper illustrates the potential for connecting guidance with validation by embedding ICT tools in practice. The 12 practices were selected as examples of the interaction of validation and guidance, providing different forms of coordination between the two services. Eight main categories of ICT function are identified and the paper examines in what way these might contribute to the coordination of validation and guidance by improving their comprehensiveness, coherence and quality.
Erfasst vonInformations- und Dokumentationszentrum IDES, Bern
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