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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enPoteliuniene, Sniegina; Kunickaite, Egle
TitelPlaukimo treneriu ir vaiku patirtys iveikiant sunkumus pradejus mokytis plaukti.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Die Erfahrungen von Schwimmtrainern und Kindern bei der Überwindung von Schwierigkeiten beim Schwimmenlernen.; Experiences of swimming coaches and children in overcoming difficulties while learning to swim.
QuelleIn: Sporto mokslas, 16 (2021) 1=99, S. 5-16
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei  Link als defekt meldenVerfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1392-1401; 2424-3949
SchlagwörterKind; Schwimmen; Schwimmunterricht; Anfangsunterricht; Kind; Anfangsunterricht; Kinder- und Jugendsport; Schwimmen; Schwimmunterricht; Trainerverhalten
AbstractResearchers analyse various methodical and organisational issues of teaching to swim, but there is shortage of research where different aspects of interaction between coach and child are being analysed, especially from the perspective of teacher/coach and student. This type of knowledge would allow better undestanding of difficulties and strategies of teaching/coaching, as well as how children understand initial process of learning to swim, what are the main factors that assist or suppress learning process, who/what could assist in this process and make learning to swim as effective as possible. The aim of research was as follows: basing on experiences of coaches and children to reveal main difficulties experienced by learners to swim, and to identity how coaches can help children to overcome these difficulties. Questionnaires based on open questions were applied. Questionnaire for coaches included 11 open questions, e.g., what is most important when starting teaching to swim? What are the main difficulties met by coaches in this initial teaching stage and how they deal with it? What are the main success factors in teaching children to swim? Questionnaire for children consisted of 11 questions aiming to find out, how does children that cannot swim, feel; what are their experiences during their first training sessions; what are the main difficulties in learning to swim and how coach, friends, parents help them in overcoming these difficulties? For data analysis, qualitative content analysis method had been applied. 5 swimming coaches (2 male and 3 female) working with groups on initial teaching to swim participated in this research. Age of coaches 25 to 62 years, swimming coaching experience 5 to 40 years. 5 children (3 girls and 2 boys) aged 9 to 12 years participated in this research, their period of attending swimming trainings was from 2 months to 3 years. Data of coaches' research allowed to identify 3 main categories: difficulties experienced by coach; strategies for coping with difficulties experienced by learners to swim; success factors for children learning to swim. Difficulties experienced by coach are related to child's behavior, problems with parents, issues while creating contact with a child; aspects of swimming process organization. Strategies for coping with difficulties experienced by learners to swim were as follows: creating contact with a child; creating as positive as possible environment for the first training, maintaining motivating and supporting training environment; differentiating of learning process; respecting individual learning tempo. Coaches related learning success of the child to individual features of the child and his/her motivation, ability of the coach to create favourable relations with the child, and parents' support. Data of children research allowed to identify 3 main categories: fear of unknown environment; feeling of safety; perceived factors of (un)successful learning to swim that were related to instructions of the coach and environment, peer influence, role of parents. Research results had revealed how important for the coach is to be able from the first training to create friendly relations with the child, to identify his experience of water environment, and use precise instructions for helping child to create feeling of safety towards water environment. Role of parents in preparing children for the first training is very important; sometimes discrepancy between some wishes and expectations of children and their parents may become an obstacle in learning to swim and may create tension among close people/in family. This directs us towards better informing parents and children before starting to learn swimming, and creating better communication and cooperation with parents. Thus, it was confirmed that one of most important things for the coach, while teaching swimming, is to create feeling of safety, to be able to "open" kid for open communication with the coach about his/her emotional state and to ask questions. Coach also should be able suitably instruct, bearing in mind age and cognitive as well as psychosocial development specifics of the child. It's especially important because of swimming teaching specifics, and fear of water by beginners (swimmers). (Autor).

Tyrejai analizuoja ivairias metodines ir organizacines mokymo plaukti problemas, taciau pasigendama tyrimu, kuriuose butu nagrinejami trenerio ir vaiko saveikos mokantis plaukti aspektai, ypac zvelgiant is mokytojo / trenerio ir mokinio perspektyvos. Tai leistu ne tik geriau suprasti mokytojo / trenerio veikloje iskylancias problemas ir ju taikomas strategijas padedant vaikams iveikti sunkumus, bet ir kaip vaikai suvokia pradinio mokymosi plaukti procesa, ju mokymasi skatinancius ir slopinancius veiksnius, kas galetu padeti suteikti reikalinga pagalba vaikui ir efektyvinti vaiku mokymosi plaukti procesa. Tyrimo tikslas - remiantis treneriu ir vaiku patirtimis atskleisti, kokius sunkumus patiria pradedantieji mokytis plaukti vaikai ir kaip plaukimo treneriai padeda vaikams juos iveikti. Taikytas apklausos rastu metodas, pateikiant atvirojo tipo klausimus. Trenerio klausimyna sudare 11 atviruju klausimu, siekiant atsakyti i siuos klausimus: kas yra svarbiausia pradedant mokyti vaikus plaukti; su kokiais sunkumais susiduria treneriai pradejus mokyti vaikus plaukti ir kaip juos iveikia; kokie veiksniai daro didziausia poveiki vaiku mokymosi plaukti sekmei? Vaiku klausimyna sudare 11 klausimu, kuriais buvo siekiama atsakyti i siuos klausimus: kaip nemokantys plaukti vaikai jauciasi, ka patiria pirmuju treniruociu metu; su kokiais sunkumais vaikai susiduria mokantis plaukti ir kaip treneris, draugai, tevai padeda juos iveikti? Duomenu analizei taikytas kokybines turinio analizes metodas. Tyrime dalyvavo 5 plaukimo treneriai (2 vyrai ir 3 moterys), dirbantys su vaiku pradinio mokymo plaukti grupemis. Treneriu amzius svyruoja nuo 25 iki 62 metu, ju darbo stazas plaukimo srityje - nuo 5 iki 40 metu. Tyrime dalyvavo 5 vaikai (3 mergaites ir 2 berniukai), kuriu amzius svyravo nuo 9 iki 12 metu, o plaukimo treniruociu lankymo laikotarpis - nuo dvieju menesiu iki 3 metu. Treneriu tyrimo duomenys leido isskirti 3 pagrindines temas: Trenerio patiriami sunkumai; Taikomos strategijos vaiku mokymosi plaukti nesekmems iveikti; Vaiko mokymosi plaukti sekmes veiksniai. Trenerio patiriami sunkumai susije su vaiko elgesiu, problemomis del tevu, nesekmemis uzmezgant rysi su vaiku; plaukimo proceso organizavimo ypatumais. Treneriu taikomos strategijos vaiku mokymosi plaukti nesekmems iveikti buvo: rysio su vaiku uzmezgimas; maksimaliai pozityvios pirmosios treniruotes aplinkos kurimas, motyvuojancios ir vaika palaikancios treniruociu aplinkos kurimas; mokymo proceso diferencijavimas; vaiko individualaus mokymosi tempo neskubinimas. Treneriai vaiko mokymosi sekme siejo su individualiomis vaiko savybemis ir motyvacija, trenerio gebejimu sukurti palanku santyki su vaiku bei tevu palaikymu. Vaiku tyrimo duomenys leido isskirti 3 kategorijas: Nezinomos aplinkos baime; Saugumo pojucio atsiradimas; Suvokiami (ne)sekmingo mokymosi plaukti veiksniai, kurie buvo siejami su trenerio instrukcijomis ir kuriama aplinka, bendraamziu itaka, tevu vaidmeniu. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai atskleide, kaip svarbu treneriui gebeti jau pirmos treniruotes metu uzmegzti su vaiku draugiska santyki, issiaiskinti jo turima patirti su vandens aplinka ir tiksliomis instrukcijomis padeti vaikui kurti saugumo jausma vandens aplinkai. Isryskejusi tevu vaidmens parengiant vaikus pirmajai treniruotei svarba, kai kuriu vaiku ir tevu noru ir lukesciu neatitiktis, trukdanti vaikui mokantis plaukti ir galinti ilgam sukurti itampa su artimais zmonemis, orientuoja i ivairesniu tevu ir vaiku informacijos priemoniu pries pradedant vaikams mokytis plaukti paieska bei bendradarbiavimu gristos saveikos su tevais kurima. Atskleista, kad vienas svarbiausiu dalyku treneriui mokant vaika plaukti yra sukurti jam saugumo jausma, gebeti "atverti" vaika, kad nebijotu kalbetis su treneriu apie savo emocine busena, savijauta bei ko nesuprato. Atkreiptinas demesys i trenerio instruktavimo gebejimu pletra siekiant trenerio gebejimo tinkamai instruktuoti atsizvelgiant i vaiku amziaus pazintiniu funkciju ir psichosocialine raida. Tai ypac svarbu del plaukimo mokymo specifiniu bruozu bei dideles nemokanciuju plaukti vandens baim. (Autor).
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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