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Autor/inn/enSlade, Sharon; Tait, Alan
TitelGlobal Guidelines: Ethics in Learning Analytics.
QuelleOslo: ICDE - International Council for Open and Distance Education (2019), 16 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBildungsforschung; Datenerhebung; Schulsystem; Lernforschung; Datenanalyse; Datenauswertung; Datenerfassung; Datengewinnung; Digitalisierung; Ethik; Datenschutz; Hochschulsystem; E-Learning; Richtlinien; Datenverarbeitung
Abstract"Learning Analytics systems and practices have developed over 10 years or more in a wide range of educational contexts, collecting and analysing large amounts of data to analyse and predict student behaviour and success. The ethical issues that are inherent in this range of practices have however been slower to be understood. This Report proposes a number of Core Issues that are important on a global basis for the use and development of Learning Analytics in ethics-informed ways. They include *Transparency *Data ownership and control *Accessibility of data *Validity and reliability of data *Institutional responsibility and obligation to act *Communications *Cultural values *Inclusion *Consent *Student agency and responsibility. -- The Report does not intend nor is it able to answer all ethical questions about the use of Learning Analytics in all countries, and accepts there are legitimate issues of differentiation deriving from national legislation and broader cultural issues. The Report does however aim to identify a range of Core Issues which it proposes are of global relevance." [Abstract: Authors' information].
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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