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Autor/inFriesen, Norm
TitelThe textbook and the lecture.
Education in the age of new media.
QuelleBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2017), x, 177 S.Verfügbarkeit a Hopkins series on education and technology
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1-4214-2433-9; 1-4214-2434-7; 978-1-4214-2433-0; 978-1-4214-2434-7
SchlagwörterElektronisches Buch; Lehrbuch; Lehrmittel; Schulbuch; Digitalisierung; Vorlesung
Abstract"In this era of technological and cultural disruption in higher education, Norman Friesen turns the question around: Why is higher education apparently so little changed in our era of digital media? Is their obstinate persistence evidence of resilience or of obsolescence? Answers to these questions generally come down on the side of obsolescence, with schools depicted as industrial-age antiques, about to go the way of the steam engine. Using media and the changes produced through them as its central reference point, this book reverses this view. It explains why educational institutions, their forms, and practices have lasted so long, and why they show no sign of going away. This book argues that questions like the ones above can best be answered not by imagining an uncertain future, but by examining a well-documented past--one that ultimately extends from Gilgamesh to Google. The book undertakes this examination by focusing on educational media, but not just on new media or mass media. Instead, it sees textual and spoken (or oral) media forms as central to education--as providing the foundation for all other educational media. The book considers the significance and interaction of these basic media in two commonplace instructional forms or genres, the lecture and the textbook. The lecture and the textbook both integrate textual, oral, and, more recently, digital media, and they have also been around for hundreds of years. MOOCs and digital textbooks, argues Friesen, are not a radical break from the past but an evolutionary extension of it"--Provided by publisher. Machine generated contents note: Preface Part I 1. No More Pencils, No More Books? - 2. Writing Instruction in the Twenty-First Century - Part II 3. Psychology and the Rationalist - 4. The Romantic Tradition - 5. Romantic versus Rationalist Reform - 6. Theorizing Media--by the Book - Part III 7. A Textbook Case - 8. From Translatio Studiorum to "Intelligences Thinking in Unison" - 9. The Lecture as Postmodern Performance - Conclusion - Notes - Bibliography - Index.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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