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Autor/inn/enAlemanji, Aminkeng A.; Longfor, Rita Johnson; Óskarsdóttir, Edda
TitelHolocaust education.
An alternative approach to antiracism education? A study of a Holocaust textbook used in 8th grade in an international school in Finland.
QuelleAus: Hahl, Kaisa (Hrsg.); Niemi, Pia-Maria (Hrsg.); Longfor, Rita Johnson (Hrsg.); Dervin, Fred (Hrsg.): Diversities and interculturality in textbooks. Finland as an example. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2015) S. 125-147Verfügbarkeit 
ReihePost-intercultural communication and education
BeigabenLiteraturangaben S. 144-147
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Sammelwerksbeitrag
ISBN1-4438-7262-8; 1-4438-7669-0; 978-1-4438-7262-1; 978-1-4438-7669-8
SchlagwörterErziehung; Schuljahr 08; Sekundarstufe I; Internationale Schule; Schulbuch; Geschichtsunterricht; Judenvernichtung; Antirassismus; Finnland
AbstractDue to the complexities of the terms race and racism, there is need for diverse methodologies/approaches to be introduced in educating against racism. An example of such approaches involves highlighting the ideological relationship between racism- as a systematic concept of oppression based on power and power abuse- and the Holocaust- a historic moment of human history, when using racially developed frames, grave acts of injustices were committed by the Nazis against the Jew, Sinti, and Roma people and others whom they considered to be subhuman, inferior or dangerous. Previous research in secondary schools has suggested that Holocaust Education can contribute to and develop pupils' awareness of human rights issues, genocide, stereotyping and racism. This chapter takes this suggestion further by showing how this can be realised. In this chapter, grade 8 students in two focus groups and their teacher discuss how a textbook on Holocaust Education could be a valuable resource for antiracism education. They also analyse specific aspects of the textbook. A thematic approach to discourses as proposed by Gee's (2013) and van Dijk's (2012) discourse analytical methods is employed in the analysis of the data. The findings emphasise the need for discussing the Holocaust as a form of antiracism as well as the possibilities of using the textbook under scrutiny in educating about intersecting topics like human rights, the Holocaust and antiracism.
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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