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Autor/inn/enEbner, Martin; Taraghi, Behnam; Saranti, Anna; Schön, Sandra
TitelSeven features of smart learning analytics - lessons learned from four years of research with learning analytics.
QuelleIn: eLearning papers, (2015) 40, 5 S.
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Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForschung; Lernen; Datenanalyse; Datenauswertung
AbstractLearning Analytics (LA) is an emerging field; the analysis of a large amount of data helps us to gain deeper insights into the learning process. This contribution points out that pure analysis of data is not enough. Building on [the authors'] own experiences from the field, seven features of smart learning analytics are described. From [the authors'] point of view these features are aspects that should be considered while deploying LA. (Orig.).
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