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Sonst. PersonenIbisch, Pierre L. (Hrsg.); Geiger, Laura (Hrsg.); Cybulla, Felix (Hrsg.)
TitelGlobal change management: knowledge gaps, blindspots and unknowables.
1. Aufl.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Management des globalen Wandels. Wissenslücken, blinde Flecken und Nichtwissen.
QuelleBaden-Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges. (2012), XI, 254 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheSeries for econics and ecosystem management. 1
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN3-8329-6714-1; 978-3-8329-6714-7
SchlagwörterWissen; Wissensgesellschaft; Natur; Biodiversität; Klimawandel; Entwicklungshilfe; Internationale Zusammenarbeit; Nachhaltigkeit; Umweltpolitik; Umweltverträglichkeit; Lernende Organisation; Ressource; Tradition; Wissensmanagement
Abstract"Managing global change not only requires best use of available knowledge but also competent handling of non-knowledge. Blindspots (unrecognized non-knowledge) are especially challenging. A team of 13 international authors reflects an related fundamental and applied issues in nature conservation, forest management, climate policy, and development cooperation." (publisher's description). Contents: Pierre L. Ibisch & Peter R. Hobson: Blindspots and Sustainability under Global Change: Non-knowledge Illiteracy as a Key Challenge to a Knowledge Society (15-54); Victoria Wibeck & Bjorn-Ola Linner: Public Understanding of Uncertainty in Climate Science and Policy (55-74); Jan Schwaab: Blindspotting in Development Cooperation (75-90); Sascha Czornohus & Katrin Dobersalske: Global vs Local Knowledge - The Case o f Traditional Knowledge and Biopiracy (91-112); Lutz Fahser: Factoring Non-knowledge into Natural Resource Management: The Luebeck concept of Nature-Oriented Forestry (113-130); Pierre L. Ibisch, Peter Hobson & Stefan Kreft: The European Nature Conservation Network Natura 2000 in Meeting Uncertain Challenges of Climate Change: Applying Principles of Complex Systems and Ecosystem Theory (131-152); Laura Geiger, Stefan Kreft & Pierre L. Ibisch: Reducing Blindspots: MARISCO, a Planning Approach that Integrates Risk Management into Biodiversity Conservation (153-212); Martin Welp & Ingo Frost: Non-knowledge and Organisational Learning (213-222); Peter R. Hobson & Pierre L. Ibisch: Learning from Nature for Sustainability: An Econical Approach to (Non-) Knowledge Management (223-252).
Erfasst vonGESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim
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