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Autor/inn/enCole, Kirsti; Giordano, Joanne Baird; Hassel, Holly
TitelA faculty guidebook to effective shared governance and service in higher education.
QuelleNew York: Routledge (2023)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781032191713; 9781032191706; 9781003257974
SchlagwörterUSA; Education, Higher; Administration; United States; Teacher participation in administration; Student participation in administration; Community and college; Social aspects; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction: You have a job in higher education, now what? -- Shared governance: An overview -- Doing governance work -- Developing effective, equitable, and transparent policies -- Engaging in shared governance work to support educational opportunities -- Strategies for implementing and assessing change -- Conflicts in shared governance and policy development -- Conclusion: Collective action, individual effort. "A Faculty Guidebook to Effective Shared Governance and Service in Higher Education bridges the gap between training and work experience, offering a blueprint for academic workers' effective participation in service and governance in higher education. Unpacking skills of problem-solving, critical analysis, politicking, negotiation, coalition-building, and emotional labor, this book provides flexible, adaptable strategies that are relevant across institutional settings and that draw from research, experience, and multiple perspectives. The principles in the book will guide faculty in developing policies and implementing practices to better serve students, colleagues, communities, and the larger mission of postsecondary education. With an emphasis on shared governance and committee service that advances equity, inclusion, access, and justice, this book pushes back on the view that service is not worth our time and offers specific recommendations for doing governance work effectively. Chapters provide strategies for policy development, implementation, and assessment, as well as tools for navigating common roadblocks to accomplishing sustainable and progressive faculty leadership. This accessible book demystifies a critical part of the academic workload, and is designed for instructors, faculty, and academic advisors at any stage of their career who want to advocate for and create better conditions in higher education"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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