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Autor/inOsipenko, Maria
TitelInferring Learners' Affinities from Course Interaction Data
QuelleIn: Education and Information Technologies, 27 (2022) 4, S.5717-5736 (20 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBehavior Patterns; Models; Undergraduate Students; Preferences; Student Behavior; Learning Processes; Interaction
AbstractA data-driven model where individual learning behavior is a linear combination of certain stylized learning patterns scaled by learners' affinities is proposed. The absorption of stylized behavior through the affinities constitutes "building blocks" in the model. Non-negative matrix factorization is employed to extract common learning patterns and their affinities from online learning data ensuring meaningful non-negativity of the result. The empirical learning patterns resulting from the actual course interaction data of 111 undergraduate university students are connected to a learning style system. Bootstrap-based inference allows to check the significance of the pattern coefficients. Dividing the learners in two groups "failed" and "passed" and considering their mean affinities leads to a bootstrap-based test on whether the course structure is well balanced regarding the learning preferences. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenSpringer. Available from: Springer Nature. One New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, NY 10004. Tel: 800-777-4643; Tel: 212-460-1500; Fax: 212-460-1700; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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