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Autor/inund weitere
Sonst. PersonenStaerkel, Kathleen (Mitarb.)
InstitutionAssociation for Library Service to Children, Chicago, IL.
TitelYouth Services Librarians as Managers: A How-To Guide from Budgeting to Personnel.
Quelle(1995), (171 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Budgeting; Continuing Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Grants; Learning Resources Centers; Library Administration; Library Cooperation; Library Funding; Library Networks; Library Personnel; Library Planning; Library Policy; Library Services; Management Development; Meetings; Personnel Evaluation; Public Libraries; School Libraries; Youth Programs
AbstractAdministrators of public library youth services departments and managers of school library media centers often rely on broad sources for advice on managing their specialized youth services. This book is designed to assist youth services librarians in becoming well-versed in management skills crucial to the continued existence of quality service to youth in libraries. Thirteen experienced youth services professionals offer their advice for dealing with general management issues, personnel issues, and communication. The chapters are: "The Why and How of Planning" (Floyd C. Dickman); "Budgeting" (Kathleen Deerr); "Seeking Alternative Funding: Grantsmanship" (Sherry Des Enfants); "Youth Services Policies and Procedures" (Mary M. Wagner and Gretchen Wronka); "Evaluating Library Services and Programs" (Virginia A. Walter); "Job Descriptions" (Yvette Johnson); "Recruiting and Retaining Youth Services Librarians" (Maria B. Salvadore); "On Planning and Presenting New Staff Orientations" (Kathleen Staerkel); "Continuing Education" (Mary Fellows); "Staff Evaluation" (Marie C. Orlando); "Conducting Effective Meetings" (Mary Fellows); "Establishing Staff Relations" (Kathy Toon); and "Networking and Cooperation" (Melody Lloyd Allen). Examples of planning checklists, policies, and evaluation forms are also included. (Contains over 150 references.) (MAS)
AnmerkungenBook Order Fulfillment, American Library Association, 155 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606-1719 (ALA Members: $27; Others: $30).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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