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Autor/inKubursi, A. A.
InstitutionCouncil of Ontario Universities, Toronto.
TitelThe Economic Impact of University Expenditures. Discussion Series, Issue 2.
Quelle(1994), (28 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterColleges; Economic Impact; Educational Assessment; Educational Economics; Educational Finance; Employment; Expenditures; Financial Support; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Input Output Analysis; Retrenchment; State Aid; Statistical Analysis; Universities; Canada
AbstractThis study gauges the secondary impacts of Ontario, Canada's higher education system, in an attempt to define the boundary of production that encloses the economic activities involved in sustaining the demands put on the system by normal university activities. The accounting framework, upon which the impact model is based, is Statistics Canada Interprovincial Input Output Tables for 1984, which was refined to deal with price changes, wage rate increases, and productivity increases between 1984 and 1992. The study found that, while it may be difficult to ascertain precisely the economic value of educating engineers, scientists, professionals, and researchers, there is no doubt about the importance and significance of this contribution. Also, universities are major employers of people and significant contributors to the economic stability and vigor of the provincial economy, as well as of regional economies. Universities sustained over 182 thousand person years of employment and added $9 billion to the Gross Provincial Product of Ontario in 1992. A one percent drop in Ontario funding of universities carries with it serious declines in income and employment for the province, the regions, and the Canadian economy at large, and these declines are multiples of the original decrease. Four tables and four figures illustrate the study's findings. (JDD)
AnmerkungenCouncil of Ontario Universities, 444 Yonge St., Suite 203, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2H4, Canada.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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