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Autor/inMelkote, Srinivas R.
TitelRevealing Communication Constraints in Extension Communication Strategies: A Case Study of a Project under the World Bank's T & V System, India.
Quelle(1988), (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; Case Studies; Communication Problems; Communication Research; Comprehension; Developing Nations; Economic Development; Extension Agents; Extension Education; Foreign Countries; Mass Media Effects; Rural Environment; India
AbstractA study looked at an agricultural extension project in south India to examine comprehension of the extension team's intentionality by the poorest farmers. Subjects, 50 farmers in the village of Porandla in the state of Andhra Pradesh, were interviewed and measured to see if their knowledge and comprehension approximated a constant across all receivers. The results showed that the source was not very successful in achieving isomorphism of intent with receivers. The distribution of comprehension scores revealed both low comprehension and a great variability in those scores across all farmers. Results suggest that if the objectives of the source are to be served, then it is crucial to study the message code, structure, and treatment to determine the extent to which it is capable of producing uniform and adequate comprehension of the source's intentionality within receivers. Unless the comprehension approximates uniformity across all potential receivers, the variance in the ensuing decision which may result in variance in behavior, i.e. adoption or rejection of an innovation, will not be adequately explained. Findings, therefore, suggest a reorientation in development communication research from a study of overt behavior as the dependent variable to an examination of receiver comprehension of source messages that may be producing that behavior. (Twenty-six references are attached, and five tables are included.) (RAE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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