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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionTexas Univ., Austin. General Libraries.
TitelApplication of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, in the General Libraries.
Quelle(1980), (58 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCataloging; College Libraries; Library Catalogs; Library Personnel; Library Planning; Professional Training; Staff Development; Training Methods
AbstractDeveloped in anticipation of the adoption of AACR2 by the library community, two plans reported by the General Libraries address the impact on the catalog and staff training. No conflict is anticipated in the absorption of AACR2 and the focus of the first report is on the mechanics of integrating AACR2 headings with headings already in the catalog. This report provides sections on methods and principles, procedures, special problems, special recommendations, a timetable, costs, a bibliography, and appendices on corporate entries and serial identification. The second report examines staff to be trained and the structure of training; staff to do the training and preparation of training aids; user orientation and training; training methods for instruction of the staff; a training timetable; and utilization of external resources. An appendix provides a 1980-81 schedule of regional institutes sponsored in cooperation with the Library of Congress. (RAA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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