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InstitutionOrganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
TitelStarting Strong II: Early Childhood Education and Care
Quelle(2006), (444 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterInvestment; Early Childhood Education; Profiles; Educational Policy; Performance Factors; Family Work Relationship; Womens Education; Womens Studies; Textbook Content; Comparative Analysis; Comparative Education; Educational Objectives; Educational Assessment; Educational Indicators; Partnerships in Education; Access to Education; Special Needs Students; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Quality Assurance; Teaching Conditions; Teacher Education; Data Collection; Accountability; Research Needs; Evaluation Needs; Educational Research; Long Range Planning
AbstractThis review of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in twenty OECD countries describes the social, economic, conceptual and research factors that influence early childhood policy. These include increasing women's labour market participation; reconciling work and family responsibilities on a more equitable basis for women; confronting the demographic challenges faced by OECD countries; and in particular, addressing issues of access, quality, diversity, child poverty and educational disadvantage. "Starting Strong II" outlines the progress made by the participating countries in responding to the key aspects of successful ECEC policy outlined in the previous volume, "Starting Strong" (OECD, 2001). It offers many examples of new policy initiatives adopted in the ECEC field. In their conclusion, the authors identify ten policy areas for further critical attention from governments. The book also presents country profiles, which give an overview of ECEC systems in all 20 participating countries. This book contains the following chapters: (1) Why Countries Invest in Early Childhood Education and Care; (2) A Systemic and Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Policy.; (3) A Strong and Equal Partnership with the Education System; (4) A Universal Approach to Access, with Particular Attention to Children in Need of Special Support; (5) Substantial Public Investment in Services and the Infrastructure; (6) A Participatory Approach to Quality Improvement and Assurance; (7) Appropriate Training and Working Conditions for Early Childhood Education and Care Staff; (8) Systematic Attention to Data Collection and Monitoring; (9) A Stable Framework and Long-Term Agenda for Research and Evaluation; and (10) Concluding Policy Observations. Annexed are: (1) Terminology Used in the Report; (2) The Scope and Methodology of the ECEC Review; (3) Data for Figures; (4) A Summary of International Evidence in Favour of Public Investment in ECEC; (5) Country Profiles: An Overview of ECEC Systems in the Participating Countries; and (6) Members of Review Teams. (Contains 26 tables and 24 charts.) [For related books, see "Starting Strong: Early Childhood Education and Care. Education and Skills" (ED455018) and "Starting Strong III: A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care" (ED528873).] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenOECD Publishing. 2, rue Andre Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. Tel: +33-145-24-8200; Fax: +33-145-24-8500; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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