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Autor/inn/enVandegrift, Judith A.; Dickey, Linda
InstitutionArizona State Univ., Tempe. Morrison Inst. for Public Policy.
TitelConversations with Arizona's School to Work Advisory Council. Arizona School to Work Briefing Paper #1.
Quelle(1996), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Education; Advisory Committees; Community Involvement; Education Work Relationship; Elementary Secondary Education; Integrated Curriculum; School Business Relationship; School Community Relationship; State Programs; Teacher Education; Vocational Education; Arizona
AbstractTwenty of 26 active members of the Governor's School to Work (STW) Advisory Council shared their views of and expectations for Arizona's STW initiative. The STW transition occurred in one of three ways: instructors in vocational programs had linkages with employers; a program, school, or district had a placement person to facilitate students' STW transitions; and students were tossed into the milieu of work. Three major, interrelated themes related to state-level issues that needed to be addressed to improve the STW transition emerged: state commitment to and unilateral support for the initiative; communication and education about STW; and business/community involvement. Key building blocks of a state system were postulated as follows: a state infrastructure that steered STW activities and provided consistency and continuity of purpose; programs for elementary and secondary students that integrated academic and vocational learning through linked work- and school-based activities; university and continuing education programs for teachers and counselors that reinforced the concept of the value of work; a technological infrastructure that supported the programmatic elements of STW; and business and community involvement. The top three outcomes that the STW system should be able to demonstrate were happier, more satisfied students; changes in the value placed on STW; and employer satisfaction. Three key roles for council members were identified: policy advisors/problem solvers, decision makers, and advocates/liaisons. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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