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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionAgency for International Development (IDCA), Washington, DC. Bureau for Research and Development.
TitelDevelopment Communication Report, 1992.
Quelle(1992) 76-79, (98 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Development; Clearinghouses; Communications; Developing Nations; Development Communication; Environmental Education; Foreign Countries; Health Education; Journalism; Mass Media; Preschool Education; Rural Environment; Urban Environment
AbstractThe four issues of the quarterly newsletter contained in this document focus on the use of communication technologies in developing countries to educate the people about various social issues as well as the field of development communication itself. Environment and communication is the theme of the first issue, which includes articles on environmental education, communication for conservation, the urban environment, environmental journalism, magazines about the environment for children, and communicating through surveys. The second issues highlights communication and health; topics addressed include lessons learned in health communication, mass media entertainment for AIDS communication in Zaire, innovations in counseling, safer birthing methods, training videos, AIDS prevention, rural communication strategies, and mass media and behavior change. Articles in the third issue discuss early childhood development and development communication, including communicating the challenges of the 1990s, early child development programs, children as communicators, peasant children centers in Ecuador, creative use of video in early child health and education in Thailand, understanding child development, communicating with parents, and materials development. The current status of development communication is the focus of the last issue, including communication planning, talking to development bankers, Project Saturn Global (an educational, distributed satellite radio network), simplified computer graphics technology, selecting allies for development communication,and participatory communication for social change. (ALF)
AnmerkungenClearinghouse on Development Communication, 1815 North Fort Myer Dr., Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22209 ($10 per year for readers in the industrialized world; others free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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