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Autor/inLucas, John A.
InstitutionWilliam Rainey Harper Coll., Palatine, IL. Office of Planning and Research.
TitelFollow-Up Study of 1986 Harper Career Alumni. Volume XVI, No. 9.
Quelle(1988), (46 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAlumni; College Graduates; College Transfer Students; Community Colleges; Employment Patterns; Followup Studies; Graduate Surveys; Outcomes of Education; Participant Satisfaction; Questionnaires; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges; Vocational Education; Vocational Followup
AbstractAs part of an ongoing evaluation of the career programs at Illinois' William Rainey Harper College (WRHC), a follow-up study of 1986 program graduates was conducted and results were compared with previous years. Questionnaires were sent to 491 students who earned 48 or more hours during the 1985-86 academic year at WRHC. Study findings, based on a 75.6% response rate, included the following: (1) nursing and data processing were the two largest majors, representing 35% of the respondents; (2) about 62% of the career alumni were employed full time; (3) 25% were employed part time, the highest percentage in the history of WRHC; (4) 73% had obtained a degree or certificate from WRHC; (5) about 36% were continuing their education 1 year after leaving WRHC; (6) 2.5% were unemployed and seeking employment; (7) 69.5% were employed in a field that was either closely related or identical to their major at WRHC; (8) 35% were working in health-related fields, while 10% were in clerical or office-related jobs; and (9) of those not employed in their field of study, 22% said they could not find a job in their field, 35.5% preferred another field or could make more money elsewhere, and 26% were in transition on a temporary job. Detailed findings and the survey instrument are included. (EJV) (Author/EJV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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