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Autor/inn/enNoyons, E. C. M.; van Raan, A. F. J.
TitelBibliometric cartography of scientific and technological developments of an R & D field.
QuelleIn: Scientometrics, (1994) 1, S.157-173
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInternal Structure; Analytic Tool; Technological Development; Science Base; Knowledge Transfer
AbstractAbstract This paper presents the results of an exploration of bibliometric mapping as an analytic tool to study the important aspects of the relation between science and technology, in particular the ‘science base’ of technology. We discuss a bibliometric (in particular a publication- and patent-based) approach to develop a cartography of science and technology, i.e., the construction of geometrically organized maps in order to visualize the changing internal structure of science and technology. These maps are based on co-occurrences of publication and patent keywords. We focus on a specific R & D field: optomechatronics. This field is characterized by a strong knowledge transfer between science and technology. We constructed maps for both the science as well as the technology ‘side’. Comparison of these two allows the exploration of existing or possible interaction of scientific and technological developments. We identified related subfields (co-word clusters) in the maps of both ‘sides’ in order to illustrate the interaction between science and technology. Subsequently, we extended the information given by the maps with information on the role and position of a number of countries in the different subfields of optomechatronics, both at the science side as well as at the technology side. This is done by identification of actors in the subfields represented by word clusters in the maps. Cartography of science and technology allows the observation of the structure (and its changes) of scientific and technology fields. Moreover, it illustrates both existing as well as possible links between science and technology. It therefore presents a powerful tool for science, technology and R & D policy.
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