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Autor/inn/enGalle, Jeffery; Galle, Jo K.
TitelPutting it all together.
Creating and scaling exceptional learning.
QuelleLanham: Rowman and Littlefield (2023), XXI, 165 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475867954 (Leineneinband); 9781475867961 (Taschenbuch); 9781475867978 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterGeorgia; USA; University System of Georgia; College teaching; Professional learning communities; General education; Universities and colleges; Curricula; Education, Higher; Aims and objectives; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractPedagogies of engagement : 'teaching moves' for student learning / Jeffery Galle -- "Cool class" ideas applicable in online, hybrid, and face-to-face modalities / Jim Fatzinger -- Strategizing "failure" : found texts, inquiry, and building new mental models / Rebecca L. Harrison -- Using growth mindset to facilitate belonging in first year writing / Julie Kozee -- How focusing on learning from mistakes facilitated learning in calculus class / Veena Paliwal -- Won't you be my neighbor? A learning community experiment / Lindsay Bailey, Shane Toepfer, and Laura Ng -- Small teaching strategy : connecting through the circle / Molly Zhou -- What's in a name? / Carl J. Gabrini -- Using engagement activities to spark greater openness to learning / Marlene Call -- First day activity prior to orientation and disbursement of syllabus / Clarence Riley -- How small teaching creates a big impact! / Sutandra Sarkar -- An evolution of engaging students : learning assistants in the classroom / Aubrey L. Dyer -- Using evidence-based practices in courses about evidence / Emily G. Weigel -- The legal world is wider than students think / Monica Carol Miller -- Service-learning for social justice in general education courses / Stefanie Sevcik -- Virtual exchange integration in precalculus : enhancing collaboration and learning / Sutandra Sarkar -- Writing in mathematics (WIM) / Belinda P. Edwards -- Google Docs, a tool for engagement & self-explanation / Ava Hogan-Chapman -- Creating cultures of creative critical thinking and self-reflection in the college arts classroom / Laura McCloskey Wolfe -- Understanding friction : using a faculty learning community to promote student success and faculty satisfaction / Robert R. Bleil -- Learning moves and program innovation / Jo Galle and Jeffery Galle -- An effective institutional data communication plan / Jesse Bishop -- Listening without speaking : making the need for equity real / Devon Fisher and Jessica O'Brien -- Creating diversity, equity, and inclusion opportunities for faculty / Donna Troka -- Establishment of centers to support faculty and students / Tyler Yu -- Reinvigorating the first year experience program at Savannah State University / Frank J. Mendelson -- The undergraduate research symposium at South Georgia State College : history, status, and future / Robert L. Potter, Rosa Guedes, and Frank Holiwski -- New faculty orientation : developing faculty in academic mindsets and more / Laura R. Lynch -- Developing expertise for teaching through a graduate fellows program / Ania Kowalik -- The New Faculty Academy of the Center for Teaching Excellence / Mei Zhang -- Interprofessional education collaborative : a pilot project / Laura Kim Gosa -- Learning moves and gen ed, the curriculum, and new degrees / Jeffery Galle -- High impact practices across the curriculum : GC journeys / Jordan Cofer -- An exaltation of larks / Jeffery Galle. "The purpose is to provide the evidence-based practices and the faculty learning community program as the vehicle for massive innovation across three contexts-courses, programs, and the General Education Program and undergraduate curriculum"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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