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Sonst. PersonenMcGovern, William (Hrsg.); Gillespie, Aidan (Hrsg.); Woodley, Helen (Hrsg.)
TitelUnderstanding safeguarding for children and their educational experiences.
A guide for students, ECTs and school support staff.
QuelleBingley, UK: Emerald Publishing (2022), XIX, 167 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheEmerald Points
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN1802627103 (gebundene Ausgabe); 9781802627107 (gebundene Ausgabe)
SchlagwörterChildren with social disabilities; Education; Teachers; Training of; Child welfare; Erziehung
AbstractSection one. Safeguarding, vulnerability, family functioning -- Chapter 1. Why schools, why now and why safeguarding / Aidan Gillespie, Helen Woodley, and William McGovern -- Chapter 2. Schools and safeguarding: thinking through spaces and contexts of vulnerability and harm / Jenny Lloyd and Tom Disney -- Chapter 3. Vulnerability or vulnerabilities: Contestation of applied markers of identity / Aidan Gillespie -- Chapter 4. Vulnerability -- labels and labelling / Ralph Leighton -- Chapter 5. Understanding need and challenging perceptions of family functioning in relation to parental substance use and misuse / Ruth McGovern and William McGovern Section Two. Enhancing Pupil Engagement and Teaching Practice -- Chapter 6. Complex and hidden lives / Helen Woodley -- Chapter 7. Nobody 'special', the application of a community of practice to arrive at being 'ordinary' within the classroom: A model of diversity / Charmaine Agius Ferrante -- Chapter 8. Teacher agency and negative labelling / Lucy Currie -- Chapter 9. A manifesto for attuned teaching / Cathy Gunning and Rachel Lofthouse -- Chapter 10. Not so textbook: Understanding the school experiences of young carers / Deborah Smart Section Three. Understanding the Nature of Concerns and Risks -- Chapter 11. Understanding how perceptions of children shape perceptions of risk and needs in relation to safeguarding concerns in schools / William McGovern and David Nichol -- Chapter 12. Just a bottle in the park : alcohol use in vulnerable children / Hayley Alderson and Raghu Lingam -- Chapter 13. Illicit substance use, poly use, game playing and increased vulnerability / Alison McInnes and Neil Ventress -- Chapter 14. County lines / Alison Ní Charraighe -- Chapter 15. Food insecurity in school-aged children / Pamela L Graham and Catherine Fenwick. This book builds on current government publications, and collectively supports the endeavours of schools, universities, trainee teachers/ECTs and school support staff in relation to understanding the concepts of vulnerability, enhancing pupil engagement, and risk and resilience.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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