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Sonst. PersonenScott, Lakia (Hrsg.); Purdum-Cassidy, Barbara (Hrsg.)
TitelMulticultural literature in the content areas.
Transforming K-12 classrooms into engaging, inviting, and socially conscious spaces.
QuelleLanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group (2020), XII, 200 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475853520 (Leineneinband); 9781475853537 (Taschenbuch); 9781475853544 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterCulturally relevant pedagogy; Multiculturalism in literature; Erziehung
AbstractThe day you begin : using children's lived experiences as a tool for cultivating critical consciousness through elementary English language arts and reading / Kelly C. Johnston -- Separate is never equal : utilizing question-answer relationships to foster students' reading comprehension / Elena M. Venegas -- Inside out & back again : making cultural connections through immigrant food for early, middle, and secondary learners / Janet K. Keeler -- Exploring Marlon Bundo as an artifact for analysis : culture circles and critical inquiry toward informed civic engagement / Kevin R. Magill -- Dreamers/soñadores : exploring the global significance of dreams and activism through a social studies lens / Sarah M. Straub -- Black pioneers of science and invention : exploring the impact of Black scientists on the field today / Yasmin Laird -- Grandfather Tang's story : a cross curricular approach using story-telling through mathematics and decision-making processes for elementary learners / Christine J. Picot -- Ruth and the green book : using mathematics to better understand discrimination / Amy K. Corp -- Harvesting hope : equipping students for social activism through a mathematical approach to history / Jamie Wong -- Maya's blanket : applying mathematics to solve everyday problems / Amy K. Corp -- Conclusion/ Barbara Purdum-Cassidy. "This text seeks to remedy the single-story paradigm that is often utilized in the literary canon by providing multicultural literature and supplementary resources that can be used across disciplines and grade levels. A more in-depth understanding of using inquiry-based approaches alongside multicultural literature in the classroom is provided"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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