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Sonst. PersonenAbes, Elisa S. (Hrsg.); Jones, Susan R. (Hrsg.); Stewart, Dafina Lazarus (Hrsg.)
TitelRethinking college student development theory using critical frameworks.
QuelleSterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC. (2019), XVII, 276 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781620367636; 9781620367643; 9781620367650; 9781620367667
SchlagwörterCollege student development programs; College students; Psychology; Identity (Psychology); Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractWaves of change : the evolving history of student development theory / Susan R. Jones -- Critical race theory : interrogating race and racism in college students' development / Jessica C. Harris and OiYan A. Poon -- Intersectionality and student development : centering power in the process / Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe -- (Re)framing student development using critical feminist theories / Claire Kathleen Robbins -- Indigenous paradigms : decolonizing college student development theory through centering relationality / Nicole Alia Salis Reyes and Maria Tauala -- Queer theory : deconstructing sexual and gender identity, norms, and developmental assumptions / J. Michael Denton -- Crip theory : dismantling ableism in student development theory / Elisa S. Abes -- Resilience / Z Nicolazzo and Riss Carter -- Dissonance / Kari B. Taylor and Danyelle J. Reynolds -- Social construction of identities / Dafina-Lazarus (D-L) Stewart and Shaunda Brown -- Complexities of authenticity / V. Leilani Kupo and Symphony Oxendine -- A black feminist reconstruction of agency / Wilson Kwamogi Okello and Kiaya Demere White -- It's more than us : knowledge and knowing / Stephanie Waterman and Cori Bazemore-James -- Context and contextualizing student development using critical theory / Antonio Duran and Susan R. Jones -- Student involvement and engagement / Daniel Tillapaugh -- Principles of good practice in student affairs / Susan B. Marine -- High impact practices / Alex C. Lange and D-L Stewart -- Rethinking student development / Elisa S. Abes, Antonio Duran, Susan R. Jones, and Dafina-Lazarus, D-L Stewart.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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