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Autor/inn/enCleveland, Angela; Sharp, Stephen
Titel50+ tech tools for school counselors.
How to be more engaging, efficient, and effective.
QuelleThousand Oaks, California: Corwin (2019), XIV, 141 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational counseling; Technological innovations; Educational technology; Internet in education; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractNearpod -- StoryBoardThat -- PlayPosit -- Prezi -- Flipgrid -- Stop, breathe, think -- Headspace -- Insight timer -- QuiverVision -- CoSpaces -- Google Expeditions -- GoNoodle -- Minecraft -- Kahoot! -- Google Forms -- Google Sheets -- Plickers -- Socrative -- Google Add-ons -- Google Keep -- Livebinders -- -- Doodle -- Google Calendar -- Genius Scan -- IFTTT -- Smallpdf -- Remind -- Powtoon -- Canva -- Pic Collage -- Buffer -- Part V. Collaboration tools. Google Sites -- Twitter -- Padlet -- Facebook -- Wisestamp -- Instagram -- LinkedIn -- Google Docs -- Google hangouts -- Weebly -- Appy Pie -- Common sense -- Pinterest -- Teachers pay Teachers -- SAMHSA Suicide Safe -- YouTube -- SafeShare -- Quizlet -- Stitcher -- Google for EDU -- NYTVR. "The use of technology in the 21st century has as much to do with computers and technology as the 20th century classroom had to do with machine presses and engines. Educating in the 21st century isn't simply about preparing students for work in the digital age; it's also about connecting with the whole student and transcending educational barriers from the past. This book serves as a guide to a range of technological resources and applications available to school counselors and other education professionals. These tools will not only enrich instruction, but also do much more: They will help counselors gather meaningful data to guide decision-making, build positive relationships with families, enhance communication, streamline work, connect teachers to networks of innovation, and promote happier, healthier students"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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