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Sonst. PersonenBerson, Ilene R. (Hrsg.); Berson, Michael J. (Hrsg.)
TitelChild advocacy and early childhood education policies in the Caribbean.
QuelleCharlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (2015)Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheResearch in global child advocacy
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781681232546; 9781681232553; 9781681232560 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterKaribik; Karibisches Meer; Early childhood education; Social aspects; Caribbean Area; Government policy; Education, Elementary; Carribean Area; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractIntroduction : Development, Care, and Education in the Earliest Years of Life: Past, Present, and Lessons for the Majority World / Kofi Marfo, Ilene R. Berson, and Michael J. Berson --Toward Cross-Sector Integration of Early Childhood Services in St. Lucia : Using Policy, Historical, and Linguistic Factors to Inform Future Progress / Patriann Smith and Kofi Marfo -- Quality in Early Childhood Education : The Puerto Rico Experience / Annette López de Méndez, Víctor E. Bonilla-Rodríguez, and Claudia X. Alvarez-Romero -- A Move Toward Completing the Early Childhood Development Policy in Belize / Alberto Luis August -- From "Bull In The Pen" to One, Two, Three, and Then? : Transitioning From Outdoor Play to Indoor Activities -- When Heavy Desks Do Not Move : Move the Way to Think About Desks / Trician Bailey and Megan Cross -- Voices from Parents : Issues of Early Childhood Education in Belize / Erin M. Casey -- A Postcolonial Waltz : Encouraging Meaningful Mathematics Learning in Jamaica's Early Childhood Classrooms / La-Toya Latty and Lissa Ledbetter -- Boys Won't Read : What Can Teachers Do to Engage Boys in Reading? / Sharon Edwards and Lori Rakes -- Developing the "Ideal Caribbean Child" : Employing Social-Emotional and Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Practices in Health and Family Life Education / Tavis D. Jules and Gina Coffee -- Children at Risk : Girls' Sexual Abuse and Child Protection Issues in Jamaica / Paul Miller.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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