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Autor/inn/enWadsworth, John; Harley, Debra; Smith, S. Mae; Kampfe, Charlene
TitelInfusing End-of-Life Issues into the Rehabilitation Counselor Education Curriculum
QuelleIn: Rehabilitation Education, 22 (2008) 2, S.113-123 (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCounseling Techniques; Counselor Training; Rehabilitation Counseling; Counselor Educators; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Enrichment; Educational Gerontology; Aging Education; Counseling Psychology; Culturally Relevant Education; Educational Needs; Training Methods; Ethics; Course Descriptions; Course Content; Course Objectives; Instructional Design
AbstractRehabilitation counselors are assisting consumers with end-of-life issues. Counselors who have the capacity to assist with end-of-life issues in a culturally sensitive manner possess pre-established self-care networks, an understanding of death from multiple perspectives, knowledge of communication interventions, and appropriate outcome expectations. Rehabilitation counselors may assess decision making processes, environmental presses, and social support systems in order to provide counseling interventions, educational services, and advocacy. End-of-life issues that counselors may need to address include unfinished business, existential meaning, loss, anxiety, and problem-solving. Rehabilitation counselor educators can prepare counselors to assist consumers with end-of-life issues by infusing training specific to end-of-life issues in assessment, counseling techniques, advocacy, and professional ethics curriculum. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNational Council on Rehabilitation Education. 1099 East Champlain Drive Suite A PMB Number 137, Fresno, CA 93720; Tel: 559-906-0787; Fax: 559-412-2550; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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