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Autor/inn/enAlexander, Constance; Goldberg, Marshall
TitelLifelong Learning through Labor/Management Cooperation: Building the Workforce of the Future
QuelleIn: Adult Learning, 22 (2011) 1, S.6-11 (6 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLabor Education; Lifelong Learning; Labor Force Development; Models; Program Effectiveness
AbstractThroughout the 1970's and 80's, rapidly advancing technologies, mergers and acquisitions, industry deregulation, emergence of new capital markets, and the shift to an increasingly competitive, global marketplace sparked new training needs for workers. In aerospace, auto, health care, steel, telecommunications and transportation industries, unions used the collective bargaining process to negotiate worker training and education programs consistent with those changing needs. In this dynamic environment, companies and unions jointly sponsored education and training programs to prepare workers for a lifetime of learning through three types of strategies: (1) Training and education programs to help downsized and displaced workers transition to other jobs, within the existing company or elsewhere, depending on the needs of the individual and the opportunities in the marketplace; (2) Ongoing skill/knowledge development opportunities for personal growth and career enhancement; and (3) Meeting worker and workplace needs through a dual training focus. Today, joint programs flourish in a range of workplaces, not only in the aforementioned industries, but also in education, state, and local government. They have been sustained and expanded due to the observable and measurable benefits they provide, and have fostered a combination of shared vision and trust that have led to innovative labor/management tactical and strategic initiatives. With the current economy affected by structural shifts and high unemployment, the concepts underlying joint programs provide a framework that yields positive results for individuals, the companies that employ them, the unions that serve them, and the communities in which they live and work. This article describes through a simple input-output model the overall structure of Joint Labor-Management Educational Programs and discusses the essential components of the model. This article also presents some examples of joint partnerships noted in the New York State/CSEA Partnership & Association of Joint Labor/Management Educational Programs. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Association for Adult and Continuing Education. 10111 Martin Luther King Jr. Highway Suite 200C, Bowie, MD 20720. Tel: 301-459-6261; Fax: 301-459-6241; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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