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Autor/inn/enElliott, Karen; Shelley, Kyna
TitelEffects of Drugs and Alcohol on Behavior, Job Performance, and Workplace Safety
QuelleIn: Journal of Employment Counseling, 43 (2006) 3, S.130 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmployees; Substance Abuse; Job Performance; Alcoholism; Job Skills; Intervention; Accident Prevention; Occupational Safety and Health; Work Environment; Drinking; Drug Abuse; Self Disclosure (Individuals); Outcomes of Treatment; Drug Use Testing; Comparative Analysis
AbstractA study of records for 1 large U.S. company revealed that employees with positive drug screens were fired, whereas workers who self-disclosed drug/alcohol problems remained employed. Both groups were offered substance abuse intervention, and some previously fired workers were rehired after they received treatment. Accident results showed that drug-test positive employees, as compared with self-referred workers, had a significantly higher accident rate in all categories. Treatment data revealed that drug-test positive workers had significantly higher accident rates before and after treatment than self-referred employees. Posttreatment results showed that drug-test positive employees had a significant decrease in accidents after services, whereas the self-referred group showed no change. (Author).
AnmerkungenAmerican Counseling Association. 5999 Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304. Tel: 800-422-2648; Tel: 800-347-6647; Fax: 800-473-2329; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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