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Autor/inn/enRuck, Martin D.; Keating, Daniel P.; Abramovitch, Rona; Koegl, Christopher J.
TitelAdolescents' and Children's Knowledge about Rights: Some Evidence for How Young People View Rights in Their Own Lives.
QuelleIn: Journal of Adolescence, 21 (1998) 3, S.275-89Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Children; Childrens Rights; Cognitive Structures; Content Analysis; Elementary Secondary Education; Individual Development; Interviews; Knowledge Level
AbstractYoung people's knowledge of rights was examined through open-ended interview questions and detailed content analysis (N=169). Interviews were coded to assess development of knowledge about rights from childhood through adolescence. Results are reported for specific questions. Findings are related to developmental theory, research, and practical implications for children's rights. (Author/EMK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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