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Autor/inn/enFornasari, Alberto; Conte, Matteo
TitelWhat Kind of Teaching in the Post-Digital Era? The Challenges of Schools and Universities after the Pandemic: An Explorative Survey at University of Bari Aldo Moro
QuelleIn: Research on Education and Media, 15 (2023) 1, S.88-94 (7 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Fornasari, Alberto)
ORCID (Conte, Matteo)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational Change; Pandemics; COVID-19; Teaching Methods; Institutional Mission; Universities; Blended Learning; Technology Uses in Education; In Person Learning; Instructional Innovation; Student Surveys; Student Attitudes; Futures (of Society); Undergraduate Students; Educational Planning; Foreign Countries; Online Courses; Student Motivation; Teacher Student Relationship; Peer Relationship; Instructional Effectiveness; Distance Education; Italy
AbstractAll around the world, schools and universities should re-think and update teaching to adjust to technological changes and exploit their potentialities by means of hybrid teaching (Limone, 2013). Considering teaching in presence as absolutely good and online teaching as bad and necessary only during the pandemic is ideological, reductive and wrong (Ferri, Moriggi, 2018). If properly used in an ad-hoc pedagogical approach, technology represents an opportunity for students (Bonaiuti, Dipace, 2021), who can participate in training and updating processes and better adapt to changes. The long and complex post-pandemic period should allow the experimentation of a better integration between teaching in the classroom and technologically 'augmented' teaching. The process of digitalisation and methodological innovation should become permanent, as suggested in Mission number 4 -- Education and Research of the NPRR. This was the starting point for an explorative survey (Lucisano, Salerni, 2002) conducted with 400 students of the University of Bari in order to research their challenges and levels of satisfaction with the online courses attended in the a.a. 2020/2021. The survey shows the difficulties with distance teaching and presents an overview on possible future blended approaches. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenSciendo, a company of De Gruyter Poland. 32 Zuga Street, 01-811 Warsaw, Poland. Tel: +48-22-701-5015; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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