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Autor/inn/enYasar, Hüseyin; Kiyici, Mübin; Karatas, Abuzer
TitelThe Views and Adoption Levels of Primary School Teachers on Gamification, Problems and Possible Solutions
QuelleIn: Participatory Educational Research, 7 (2020) 3, S.265-279 (15 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Yasar, Hüseyin)
ORCID (Kiyici, Mübin)
ORCID (Karatas, Abuzer)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterTeacher Attitudes; Elementary School Teachers; Adoption (Ideas); Educational Games; Misconceptions; Teaching Methods; Reading Habits; Achievement Gains; Student Motivation; Competition; Peer Relationship; Barriers; Awards
AbstractIn this research, it is aimed to determine the ideas of primary school teachers about the concept of gamification, the elements of gamification they use, the criteria they take into consideration while using the elements of gamification, the reasons for using them in gamification, the problems they face when using gamification and solutions to these problems. Phenomenology design, a qualitative research design is referred to in the research. The participants of the research consist of twelve primary school teachers who work at different schools and who teach different grades. In this research, semi-structured interview form, which was prepared by the researchers as a data collecting tool was used. The data acquired from the interviews done with the participants, was analyzed through content analysis. According to the results of the research, it was determined that majority of the primary school teachers perceive the concept of gamification as an educational game. Badges and leader boards were determined as the mostly used elements of gamification by primary school teachers. It was observed that the foremost criteria that primary school teachers consider while using the elements of gamification were reading books, starting reading at the first grade and success level in the lessons. Improving the success of the students and increasing their motivation in lessons were determined as the reason for using gamification elements. The foremost problem that primary school teachers face while the using gamification elements is the overcompetitive behavior occurring amongst the students. As the second, the problem of regression in the students whose levels are low is stated. As for solving the problems faced, using the gamification elements taking into consideration some other actions- not success in lessons- is determined to be the most effective solution. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenParticipatory Education Research. Amasya University, Technology Faculty, Yagmurkoy Orad, Amasya 05100, Turkey. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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